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We treat each child as an individual, and their personal all round development is promoted by fun and stimulating activities. These include arts and craft, baking, stories, role play, outdoor play and learning through play.

We offer forestry session once a week, a movement  and wiggle PE lesson, cookery session and a church play session with the local Reverend





Our 'in the moment' planning offers children experiences to develop their knowledge  and understanding, where children can learn through play.  During the term we follow the children's interests and 'listen to the child's voice' giving them the opportunity to experience learning while playing. We look at festivals and cultural experiences and celebrations from around the world, looking at British values. We aim to share the children’s knowledge and provide opportunities to widen the awareness of their surroundings and wider environment. Children have the opportunity to have outdoor play all year round with our 'free flow' system. The curriculum is planned to promote the all round development of each individual child in order for them to work towards their full potential, whilst leading towards the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) as laid down by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA). A copy of the curriculum guidance for the EYFS is available for viewing in the Pre-School room or at the government website: 


The Prime areas and specific Early Learning Goals are as follows:-

  • Communication and Language.     

  • Physical Development.

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development.

  • Understanding of the World.

  • Expressive arts and design.

  • Literacy.

  • Mathematics.


This Pre-School has formulated an 'in the moment planning' curriculum to cover all seven areas of the EYFS. Our aim, through our broad based curriculum, is to offer activities for the stages of development of each individual child. Both child-initiated and adult-led activities are provided during each session. All children develop at their own individual pace, and therefore not all children’s stages of development, in the above areas, will necessarily occur at the same age as their peers.


The children are encouraged to play with a wide variety of equipment with which they can learn many skills. These skills and other knowledge allow a child to use their imagination to create. Creativity can be seen throughout our provision, e.g. crafts, painting, building, telling stories, individual story books and the home corner. Using a 'free-flow' format, we aim to support a child’s autonomy by allowing them to make decisions about their activities. We take inspiration from their play and exploration in order to guide them towards the achievement of Learning Goals, allowing the children to each flourish in their own unique way. 


In the Moment planning and Curriculum

The Educational Programme

© 2018 by Brant Broughton Preschool

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Mill Lane, Brant Broughton, Lincoln LN5 0RP



T  01400 279061 

  • Brant Broughton Preschool
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